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July 2004 : why did Bicêtre's CHU hospital directory and Pr. Gérard Saïd put the blame on me, the author of the following writing after I supported and demonstrated 1990 that current radioisotope dilution assays are not specifique for true cobalamin ?

The disappearance of the parient's medical record as soon as at 1991 and later of the subscription to  "Archives of Neurology" medical journal at november 1997 was organized by the same on the grounds that it is "a very bad medical journal", dixit Pr. Gérard Saïd, though he then moved heaven and earth at 2003  to affix his name to Hélène Ogier de Baulny's and Jacqueline Zittoun's in the same  "very bad medical journal" (see below biblibliography n°19) after the neurologists of Bicêtre's hospital realized they failed the discovery of the "food cobalamin malabsorption syndrome" august 1990 calling it att that time  "DIFFUSE DOMAGE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM" (ATTEINTE  DIFFUSE DU SYSTEME NERVEUX)

In their defense this syndrome was att that time almost unknown despite a princeps description up to 1973 by Swain and Docherholmen (since E. Andrès & al., up to 1978 since Martha L. Hutchinson.)

[But it was at 1990 since several decades known that an aetiology to neuro-psychiatric disturbances in elderly patients may  be  cobalamin  deficiency, mainly by ileum malabsorption, as in Biermers' disease, but not only in the elderly and beacause  of a Biermers' disease : gastrectomy, ileum resections, Zollinger-Ellison syndroma, pancreatitis, bothriocephalosis, intestin bacterial massive pullulement, vegetarianism, drugs metabolic interferencies, E.D.T.A., P.A.S, N²O, colchicine, éthanol, neomycin, where known as less common causalities to B12 vitamin defiency. Very rarely an inborn abnormal B12 cell metabolism is involved in adulds. Sever cobalamin (vitamin B12) deprival is rapidly lethal in the absence of diagnosis and cobalamin supplies].

In my case report by an aged patient - my own father - not only Schilling test was normal (35 %), but the cobalamin blood level was normal too (225 mg/l). 

So the patient falsely described as wounded by a "DIFFUSE DAMAGE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM"  (sic) due to an Alzheimer disease, and consequently was over five weeks left whithout true care - only fluoxetine  (Prozac*), leading him to a coma despite all clinical evidences he was suffering such a syndrome : subacute degeneration of the spinal cord and Hunter's glossitis.

Thanks the alert of nurses given to me that Biermer's disease treatment was not truly (falsely) applied. I did it, and the patient  survived four years (instead of somes weeks as prognosed by the said Professor Saïd's neurologists.

The patient  becames well quickly, recovering 30/30 by MMSE after Biermer's disease treatment truly applied,

That means :

1°) That the cobalamin blood level  in such a syndrome  can also be normal

The NDB12PP letal syndrome with normal Schilling test AND normal cobalamin blood level seems to be possible - as doctor Michel Serdaru, neurologist by "la Fédération Française de Neurologie" (FFN) -  write down in "La maladie d'Alzheimer et autres démences" ("Flammarion Medecine Science" 1991).

2°) Maybe also a disguised  attempt of murder by the said neurologists ? thus Michel Barrauthe public prosecutor, calls to a nonsuit 1998 !? 

(Explaination and analysis in "blog de léon" as in the following bibliography)  

Shortened bibliography


1 - 1978 Kolhouse & al, New Engl. J. Med.  299, 15, 787 - 792. "Cobalamin analogues are present in human plasma and can mask cobalamin defiency because current radioisotope dilution assays are not specifique for true cobalamin". 

2 - 1987 Berger JR & al. Ann Intern Med. 107 : 78  "Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy associated with human immunodefiency virus infection". 

3 - 1987 Ogier H. & al. éd. Masson  "La cobalamine (vitamine B12), APECTS METABOLIQUES, GENETIQUES, NUTRITUIONNELS ET THERAPEUTIQUES"; 254-281. 

4 -  1988  J. Lindebaum &  al. N. Engl. J. of Med.  "Neuropsychiatric disorders caused by cobalamin deficiency in the absence of anemia or macrocytosis" 

5 - Arch Neurol 1991;48(3):312-314. "Abnormal vitamin B12 metabolism in human immunodeficiency virus infection : association with neurological dysfunction" (Accepted for publication September 5,1990). 

6 - Jean-Jacques Hauw et Jean-Louis Signoret 3la maladie d'Alzheimer et autres démences"  Flammarion Medecine-Sciences 1991 

7 - Marie-Christine Casteret "L'affaire du sang contaminé" La découverte 1992 

8 - Arch Neurol 1992;49:501-506. "Plasma Vitamin B12 Level as a Potential Cofactor in Studies of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1- Related Cognitive Changes". 

9 - Arch Neurol 1993;50:807-811. Robertson et al. "Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Nervous System Disease in HIV Infection" 

10 - JAMA 1993;269:1144-1153. "Preventive Health Care for Adults With HIV Infection" 

11 - Arch Fam Med 1994;3:988-1002. "Human Immunodeficiency. Physician Guidelines, Advisory Group on HIV Second Edition" 

12 - J. Nutr. 1997;127:345-351. "Low Serum Vitamin B-12 Concentrations Are Associated With Faster Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) Disease Progression".  

13 - AIDS Clin Care 1998;1-1 "Peripheral Neuropathy in HIV Disease". 

14 - Neurology 1999;53:592-592. "Prevalence of peripheral neuropathy in injection drug users" 

15 - Arch Neurol 1999;56:84-89. "Peripheral Nerve Function in HIV Infection: Clinical, Electrophysiologic, and Laboratory Findings" 

16 - Pediatrics 2000;106:35e-35. "Distal Sensory Polyneuropathy in a Cohort of HIV-Infected Children Over Five Years of Age" 

17 - Neurology 2002;58:730-735. "Abnormal cobalamin-dependent transmethylation in AIDS-associated myelopathy" 

18 - Revue de Médecine Interne 2003;24 (4): 218-223. "Carence en vitamine B12 avec test de Schilling normal ou syndrome de non dissociation de la vitamine B12 de ses protéines porteuses chez le sujet âgé. Etude de 60 patients".

19* - Arch Neurol. 2003;60(10):1457-62.) "Neuropsychiatric disturbances in presumed late-onset cobalamin C disease". (E. Roze, D. Gervais, S.Demeret, H. Ogier de Baulny, J. Zittoun, J.-F. Benoist, G. Saïd, C. Pierrot-Deseilligny, F. Bolgert) 

20 - L' Encéphale, décembre 2003 Vol 29 (6), p. 560 - 565. "Délire Capgras chez une patiente de 64 ans atteinte d'une maladie de Biermer". ( C. Durand; S. Mary; P. Brazo; S. Dollfus).

21 - Revue Neurogique 2006;162 (1):22-42. Atteintes du système nerveux central et infections par le virus VIH -1 (Antoine Moulignier, Service de Neurologie, Fondation Adolphe Rotschild, 75019, Paris)

22 - René Chiche "Enquête sur les mandarins de la médecine"  EDITIONS DU MOMENT,  avril 2013



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